What They Do

What They Do

Firefighters and policemen are heroes who risk their own lives every day in their efforts to protect others. It is common for a firefighter to dash into a burning building engulfed in flames to rescue an occupant. Day after day policemen run after criminals who duck into blackened alleyways.

These professionals exhibit an extraordinary dedication to mankind because the strongest natural instinct for human beings is the will to live. Firefighters and policemen regularly have to overcome this instinct to uphold their responsibilities.

Firefighters normally go to the location of emergencies such as road accidents, flooded areas, where a bomb threat or incident has occurred. They are found at dangerous substance spills and railway and airline crashes. They routinely rescue trapped persons and animals and can be found providing emergency medical services prior to an ambulance crew arriving on the scene.

Policemen find themselves keeping the peace and order, prohibiting and preventing criminal activity, arresting persons who break the law, running surveillance…